Beating and avoiding allergy inducing elements while outdoors may be nearly impossible, but your indoor air quality is something you can control with an air filtration system. Typically, when you think of allergy season you imagine the stereotypical allergens of spring – new flower buds, insects buzzing around, grass being mowed, dandelions blowing in the wind, etc. However, did you know that there are actually winter allergens? In fact, winter is often the season with the most indoor air pollution. With allergens present year-round, and consistent air quality pollution, purchasing an air filtration system to run in your home year-round can be very beneficial.
What Causes Winter Indoor Air Pollution?
- Burning Wood In A Fireplace
- Particles Expelled From Heating Systems
- Increased Dust Particles From Heating Vents
- Winterizing To Seal Cracks And Avoid Drafts
Not only is there a larger presence of these pollutants in winter, but there is also increased amount of time spent indoors, which leads to greater and longer exposure to poor quality air.
Did you know that seasonal allergy sufferers are actually allergic to different types of pollen that’s released by plants and spread into the air? What this means is that depending on the plant’s life cycle, and when they release pollen through the year, different allergy suffers will react at varying times of the year. While most plants become dormant in winter, which inhibits pollen from releasing, some trees (like evergreens, and certain species of cedar) do in fact release pollen in winter.
In addition to the allergens present in the air in winter, as well at the other air pollutants created by winter activities, germs are at an all-time high. During the winter months, we experience flu season and many other sicknesses present in the air and public places around us. Bringing those germs into your home can further add to the decreased air quality, leading to reinfection and longer periods of sickness.
While it is easier to clean germs on surfaces like door knobs, countertops, sinks, etc. it’s not as easy to identify and get rid of germs that are airborne. Since your home is closed and sealed off during winter, bacteria and germs within the air can continue to circulate and recycle through your heating systems with no escape. This is why an air purification system is not only helpful for winter allergens, but also in eliminating/trapping those stubborn and nasty winter germs.
Effects Of Exposure To Poor Indoor Air Quality –
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Itchy Eyes, Nose & Throat
LONG TERM (can lead to)
- Respiratory Disease
- Heart Disease
- Cancer
Don’t make the common homeowner mistake of turning your air filtration system off in winter. Making use of an air filtration system year-round can help reduce pollution and allergens within the air you’re breathing in every day. A good quality air purifier can reduce high indoor allergens, reduce germs, help create cleaner air, better circulate air and stimulate ventilation. Purchase your high-quality air filtration system from AirnMore today! Visit our air purifier purchasing page HERE.