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EdenPURE 1000 Parts
This is a complete list of compatible replacement parts for the EdenPURE 1000 Heater that we have in stock. AirNmore is customer service focused. We have also been servicing EdenPURE heaters for over 10 years. If you have any questions, please call us at 800-707-8725. Model number: 1000
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EdenPURE 1000 Heater Troubleshooting
Check the master power switch and make sure it is set to the OFF position. Also, please be advised that when you turn the heater off, the fans will continue to run for a few minutes so that the EdenPURE 1000 cools down. Once the heat chambers have cooled down, the fan and heater will shut off automatically.
One thing you can attempt to do is placing the EdenPURE 1000 on an interior wall within the room it is located. Furthermore, the EdenPURE 1000 heater was developed to provide supplemental heating to your living area in conjunction with another heat source such as a furnace. In addition, cement, tile and other similar floor types are porous surfaces tend to absorb a lot more heat. Therefore, the time needed to heat the room will increase. Finally, if insulation in your room is lacking or there are a lot of windows, it won’t retain the heat as efficiently.
Make sure the power outlet you are attempting to plug your EdenPURE 1000 heater in to is truly supplying power. Plug in another appliance or fixture such as a lamp to see if the power outlet works. Next, make sure the master power switch/button is set to the “ON” position. Try changing the mode to “High”, if available, when you are operating the heater in a room warmer than 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The heater will not operate if the temperature in the room is too high. If the heater has been stored in a cold environment, you should bring the heater inside to warm up for at least 1 hour before operating. Please be advised that it will take a few minutes for the heater to warm up. Once the heater has warmed up, the fan will start to blow air.
The EdenPURE 1000 is designed to exhaust all heat when the heater goes in to cool down mode. Cool down mode occurs when you turn off the unit or once the heater has achieved the desired temperature.
First, you should unplug the heater’s power cord from the power outlet for at least 30 minutes. This will reset the internal electronics of the EdenPURE 1000 heater. Finally, plug the power cord back in to the power outlet and then, attempt to operate the heater again.
A dirty filter will result in the unit to automatically shut down, blow cold air or not function at all. For filter cleaning instructions, please refer to the EdenPURE 1000 product manual. It is very important to keep heater filter clean.
If you have any questions, please contact us by phone at 800-707-8725 or by filling out the form below: