There is an awful lot of talk going around the globe about the COVID-19. Since the coronavirus is spread by person-to-person contact, as well as contact with contaminated surfaces, the first line of defense is to wash your hands often. However, here at AirNMore we want to offer you another step to keeping you healthy.
We have compiled a list of questions that you may have in regard to how air purifiers can help to keep you healthy. Let’s clarify a few things about what an air purifier is intended to do.
Can an Air Purifier Protect You from The Coronavirus?
While much more data needs to be collected on the coronavirus and how to protect ourselves against it, we do know that this virus measures about 0.125 microns. Our air filtration system inside the air purifier is capable of capturing microorganisms, bacteria, mold, and viruses below 0.3 microscopic particles.
How Can Clean Air Help to Prevent the Spread of Germs?
A person can spread their germs well before they have signs of illness. The coronavirus symptoms may not show up for some time. So cleaning your air is extra important since it can be passed from airborne particles like sneezing, coughing, etc. The more filtration the oxygen you breathe, the safer the environment is for you. Therefore, if illness does set in, you aren’t further complicating your respiratory system by triggering it with toxins.
What Are Some Indoor Triggers That an Air Purifier Can Filter?
- dry skin cells
- dirt
- dust
- carbon monoxide
- household cleaners
- air-freshener sprays
- cooking smoke
- cosmetics
- perfume
- mold spores
A purifier assists in preventing indoor asthma triggers. In addition, the filters help to remove these airborne allergens, and create cleaner air.
What Are the Benefits of an Air Purifier?
The purpose of an air purifier is to combat other causes of respiratory problems and improve the overall air quality of your home and/or office space. Our air purifiers here at AirNMore have:
- fans that draw air into the purifier and pass it through a filter
- filters reduce air pollution in your home
- filters that remove odors, pet dander, allergens from all seasons, etc.
- they break apart these pollutants and then cycles clean oxygen back into your home and/or office space
- HEPA certified filters that are washable and meant to help prevent certain pathogens from escaping the filter and cycling back into your environment
- equipped with UV2 ultraviolet sterilization that mimics artificial UV energy which has proven to be 1,600 times more effective than the sterilization effect of the sun’s ability to kill viruses & bacteria and other airborne antigens and pathogens
We strongly believe that air purification is essential to keeping your home and office air healthy. These systems are just another step in the prevention of airborne diseases. Coronavirus symptoms or not, it pays to make sure the air you are breathing is receiving purification.
Contact us today with any further questions you may have. Our knowledgeable reps can help you make the best purchasing decision.